AUDIBLE AUDUBON audio bird call cards and phonograph player

AUDIBLE AUDUBON audio bird call cards and phonograph player

Sku: 2347    Availability:

Sale Price: $ 74.99

  • Product Description

Product Description

AUDIBLE AUDUBON audio bird call cards and phonograph player

Not sure how many cards there are, but quite a few. Player works well, sounds good, sometimes the play button is a little tricky, but it does work. Batteries not included.

back right AUDIBLE AUDUBON audio bird call cards and phonograph playerAUDIBLE AUDUBON audio bird call cards and phonograph playerAUDIBLE AUDUBON audio bird call cards and phonograph playerAUDIBLE AUDUBON audio bird call cards and phonograph playerAUDIBLE AUDUBON audio bird call cards and phonograph playerAUDIBLE AUDUBON audio bird call cards and phonograph player